The end ….. ??

I can not believe our 3-week road trip adventure across Western Canada is over.  Part of me wants to jump in the car and do it all over again immediately… part of me is quite content to be back in my (much cleaner) home easing into routine.  None of me is glad tomorrow is Monday. As…

View from the backseat

The kids took pictures on their cameras/Kurio pads/DS throughout the trip, mostly while we were on the road. This is a collection of their pictures. I like watching the change in landscape as we move further west.  Scroll all the way down to find videos. The roadtrip from their eyes… Videos from the backseat: Moxie’s…

Day 20&21 (Ontario) CBC R3 Song of the Day

As a tribute to Canada and my love for Canadian Indie music, I’ve not only created special provincial playlists for my Cross-Canada road trip but I will also be featuring a: “CBCR3 Song of the Day” Every day I will showcase a CBCR3 artist from the province where we happen to be travelling. (the rules…

Day 19: Vancouver, BC

We woke up late… and slowly…. The room was a disaster… There were wigs and clothes strewn all over the floor..bathing suits in the bathroom sink and 2 wine glasses with just enough of a sacrifice to the wine gods remaining.. beside them was an empty bottle.. We may be taking this rock star personality much…

Day 18 (British Columbia) CBC R3 Song of the Day

As a tribute to Canada and my love for Canadian Indie music, I’ve not only created special provincial playlists for my Cross-Canada road trip but I will also be featuring a: “CBCR3 Song of the Day” Every day I will showcase a CBCR3 artist from the province where we happen to be travelling. (the rules…

Day 18: Errington, BC – Vancouver, BC

We sadly said good bye to the farm animals and made our way to the ferry.  The realization that we were on our last couple days of our trip was sinking in for all us .. *sigh Rain: “Can we do this again next year?” Me: “The same trip or somewhere different?” Rain: “hmmm… somewhere…

Day 17 (British Columbia) CBC R3 Song of the Day

As a tribute to Canada and my love for Canadian Indie music, I’ve not only created special provincial playlists for my Cross-Canada road trip but I will also be featuring a: “CBCR3 Song of the Day” Every day I will showcase a CBCR3 artist from the province where we happen to be travelling. (the rules…

Day 17: Tofino, BC – Errington, BC (via Ucluelet)

At the advice of Blazena we drove to the Ucluelet Aquariam (it was cold, damp and foggy in Tofino so this seemed like the perfect indoor activity).  We were not disappointed. It’s small but is a very informative, hands-on non-profit aquarium that operates on a catch and release system (all animals are released back into…