Santa on Speed Dial

T’was a month before Christmas and all through our home came the whining and arguing from each of my spawn. They fought over books. They fought over toys. I could not hear myself think over their noise noise noise noise! The blowing cold wind had kept us inside until finally I held up my cell phone…

THIS is why it’s important – Speak your truth.

I’ve discovered, the hard way (as most important lessons are learned), that developing a thick skin is critical to writing. “To write is to bleed words onto the page – to be entirely vulnerable – the surest way to criticism and the clearest path to metamorphic transformation.” -AmyJalapeñ So why do it?  Why I share…

Support the Arts (Inclusive arts, that is)

My very dear friend, Danielle Strnad has this amazing company called DramaWay DramaWay is the leading provider of fine arts programming in the Greater Toronto Area for people of all abilities, specializing in modifying programming for individuals with special needs. For the last 12 years I have watched her in awe as she transforms children…

Animal Jam by Moxie Hooper

{Rain is playing on the computer while Moxie sneaks a peak over his shoulder… This is the play by play of what she saw.  Who needs parental controls when you have little sisters!} VVC66 (Rain’s Animal Jam name) has a buddy/girlfriend!  She is a wolf like him! [Turn to the next page to find out how…

Stigma Fighters

Last week I was approached by Stigma Fighters: a blog series about real people living with mental illness. Sarah Fader, the founder asked if I would write an article about my own experience. I submitted this piece about Jason’s death, in particular the first 24 hours after getting the news. Stigma Fighters is about to…

Dear Jerk (6 months later)

Yes. You’re still a jerk. The kids and I had a soul-satisfying summer. We went on a 3-week road trip/pilgrimage across Western Canada. It was an amazing journey of healing for all of us. We grieved for you daily but felt strong and connected. “Look at us. We’ve got our shit together!” Then September bitch…