Thanks, Peterborough.

Four years ago today, #TeamAdventurers arrived in Peterborough. I had sold our house, quit my job (of 13 years) and moved us to a city I had only been to once before (when I signed our rental agreement). I had no job lined up and we had no friends; just an urgency for change and…

Building something good takes (an annoying amount of) time

Allow me to preface this by saying I hate vague & cryptic social media posts… *ahem.. 💫💫💫 I’m building something. It’s not exactly a business… business sounds too corporate. It’s more of a passion project… though passion project sounds too optional. Whatever it is, it’s both breeding from and feeding my soul. 💫💫💫 Trust me,…

a month without milk

They’re back. After 13 days (and 13 nights) my kids are home from their grandparent’s camp. They left the day after we returned from a 2 week family camping trip (see previous post) and so needless to say, the last month has been completely out of the ordinary. Look, I have more experience than the…

Treading Water (2009)

Treading Water, without a care in the world. Sun warming my face, waves lapping at my shoulders creating rhythm through my body. Arms and legs building strength moving in simultaneous determination. Looking straight ahead knowing full-well there will not be a lifeboat to find me. Treading water in perfect rhythm  with no intention of stopping….

Birthday Wishes

Hey. It was my birthday on the weekend but the party’s not over. It’s still my birthday week.. my birthday month.. my birthday season… who’s in!?! I turned the fabulous 42 with a group of gorgeous strangers at a spiritual/meditation retreat led by my brilliant cousin, Jill Prescott. It was so incredibly satisfying. I’m still processing…

for today

So every morning I walk to work and I pass a diner about 2 blocks from my office. And every time I pass it, I envision my ideal world where I start my day with a walk and then curl into a cup of coffee surrounded by folks making a low buzz of noise while…


Everything is better when you’re on vacation. obviously. The sun shines brighter. Food tastes yummier. Even the dreariest days are just an invitation to curl up and breathe in some stolen moments. I’m heading back to work in the morning after 10 extraordinary days filled with intimate acoustic shows in coffee shops, fits of giggles…

Three Years…

Dear Hoop, This coming Saturday marks three years since your death. Three years of replaying every last conversation we had. Three years of seeing you through my rearview mirror as you buckled up the kids and said good-bye for the last time. Three years of watching you live and breathe in our kids. Three years…

I run to lose weight….(wait for it…)

I got home from an exceptionally long Monday & was on the brink of shrugging off my originally planned run. Excuses were there for the taking: I was tired. (Yeah I know..join the club). I’d already missed the last 4 days..what’s one more? I can’t leave the kids for another 30 minutes, that’s poor parenting….

March is for madness.

  I don’t know about you but I am not at my best in March. All of my strategies to get through the long dark winter have been tossed aside along with the chip wrappers, wine bottles and dirty casserole dishes. I’m tired. I’m hiding an extra layer of fat under my sweat pants and…